Prof. Carmit Altman
Head of Child Development
Faculty of Education & The Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center Bar Ilan University, Israel
Prof. Altman’s interdisciplinary academic credentials include a BA, MA and Ph.D in Linguistics, all from Bar Ilan University in Israel.
She completed her Postdoctoral fellowship in Bilingualism and Language Disorders at the Graduate Center City University New York & Lehman College, USA. Her research in language acquisition and use is centered on an overarching interest in improving the language skills of preschool children with Developmental Language Disorders (DLD) and adults with aphasia. It draws from theory and methodologies in education, linguistics, psychology and sociolinguistics.
Prof. Altman is head of the Child Development Program at the Faculty of Education. She is the deputy director of Bilingualism Matters, Israel and the Co-director of the Impact Center on Multilingualism and Multiculturalism across the Lifespan.
Her work has been published in the International Journal of Bilingualism, Applied Psycholinguistics, Plos One and Journal of Hearing, Speech and Language Research. Her research has been supported by grants from the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation, the Israel Science Foundation and by the Israel Ministry of Education.
