Articles in Refereed Journals
Rose, K., Armon-Lotem, S., & Altman, C. (2022). Profiling Bilingual Children: Using Monolingual
Assessment to Inform Diagnosis. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools.
Altman, C., Avraham, I. Shnitzer - Meirovich, S., Lifshitz, H (2022). An investigation of narrative
macrostructure and microstructure. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Fichman, S., Walters, J. & Armon-Lotem, S & Altman, C. (2022). The impact of language
dominance on bilingual children's narrative production: Microstructure, macrostructure,
and Internal State Terms. LAB
Altman, C., Burstein-Feldman, Z., Fichman, S., Joffe, S., Armon-Lotem, S. & Walters, J. (2021).
Perceptions of identity, language abilities and language preferences among Russian-Hebrew
and English-Hebrew bilingual children and their parents. Journal of Multilingual and
Multicultural Development, 1-16.
Leshem, R. & Altman, C. (2021). Distinct effects of executive functioning, impulsivity, and anxiety on global and local reading
comprehension. Frontiers in Education.
Altman, C., Harel, E., Meir, N., Iluz-Cohen P., Walters, J., & Armon-Lotem, S (2021). Using a Monolingual Screening Test for Assessing
Bilingual Children. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics.
Armon-Lotem, S., Rose, K. & Altman, C. (2021). The Development of English as a Heritage Language: The Role of Chronological Age
and Age of Onset of Bilingualism. First Language, 41(1), 67-89.
Fichman, S., Walters, J., Armon-Lotem, S. & Altman, C. (2021). Story grammar elements, mental state terms and clausal distance in the
expression of Enabling relations in narratives of bilingual preschool children. Discourse Processes 1-18.
Lipner, M., Armon-Lotem, S. Walters, J. & Altman, C. (2021). Crosslinguistic Influence (CLI) of Lexical Breadth and Depth in the
Vocabulary of Bilingual Kindergarten Children - A Bilingual Intervention Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
Fichman, S., Walters, J., Melamed, R., Altman, C. (2020). Reference to characters in narratives of Russian-Hebrew bilingual and Russian
and Hebrew monolingual children with Developmental Language Disorder and typical language development. First Language.
Korat, O., Graitzer, Z., & Altman, C. (2020). Contribution of reading an e-book with a dictionary to word learning: Comparison between
kindergarteners with and without SLI. Journal of Communication Disorders.
Armon-Lotem, S., Restrepo, M.A., Lipner, M., Ahituv- Shlomo, P., & Altman, C. (2020). Vocabulary gains in bilingual narrative intervention
(BINARI). Language Speech and Hearing in School Services.
Fichman, S., & Altman, C. (2019). Referential cohesion in the narratives of bilingual and monolingual children with typically developing
language and with SLI. Journal of Speech, Hearing and Language Research 1-20.
Raichlin, R., Walters, J. & Altman, C. (2018). Some wheres and whys in bilingual codeswitching: Directionality, motivation and locus of
codeswitching in Russian-Hebrew bilingual children. International Journal of Bilingualism, 13(1), 91-109.
Lifshitz, H., Shnitzer, Sh., Verkuilen, J & Altman, C. (2018). Crystallized and fluid intelligence of university students with intellectual
disability who are fully integrated versus those who studied in adapted enrichment courses. PLOS ONE.
Altman, C., Goldstein, T. & Armon-Lotem, S. (2018). Vocabulary, metalinguistic awareness and language dominance among bilingual
preschool children. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1953.
Fichman, S., Altman, C., Voloskovich, A., Armon-Lotem, S., & Walters, J. (2017). Story grammar elements and causal relations in the
narratives of Russian-Hebrew bilingual children with SLI and typical language development. Journal of Communication Disorders,
69, 72-93.
Altman, C., Goldstein, T., & Armon-Lotem, S. (2017). Story grammar elements and causal relations in the narratives of Russian-Hebrew
bilingual children with SLI and typical language development quantitative and qualitative differences in the lexical knowledge of
monolingual and bilingual children. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 1-24.
Altman, C., Armon-Lotem, S., Sveta Fichman & Joel Walters. (2016). Macrostructure, microstructure and mental state terms in the
narratives of English-Hebrew bilingual preschool children with and without SLI. Applied Psycholinguistics 37(1), 165-193
Neumann, Y., Walters, J., & Altman, C. (2016). Codeswitching and discourse markers in the narratives of a bilingual speaker with aphasia.
Aphasiology, 31(2), 221-240.
Altman, C. (2014). Two Measures of Bilingualism in the Memories of Immigrants
And Indigenous Minorities: Crossover Memories and Codeswitching. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research.
Altman, C., Burstein-Feldman, Zh., Yitzhaki, D., Armon-Lotem, Sh., & Walters, J. (2014). Family language policies, reported language use
and proficiency in Russian-Hebrew bilingual children in Israel. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 35(3), 216-234.
Altman, C., Goral, M. & Levy, E. (2012). Integrated narrative analysis in multilingual aphasia: The relationship among narrative structure,
grammaticality and fluency. Aphasiology, 26 (8), 1029-1052.
Armon-Lotem, S., Gagarina, N., Altman, C., Burstein-Feldman, Zh., Gordishevsky, G., Gupol, O. & J. Walters. (2008). Language
acquisition as a window to social integration among Russian language minority children in Israel. Israel Studies in Language and
Society, 1, 155-177.
Chapters In Books
Altman, C., Fichman, S., Armon-Lotem, S., & Walters, J. (2020). Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives. ZAS Papers in
Linguistics, 64. MAIN: Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives - Revised. Hebrew version.
Armon-Lotem, S., Joffe, S., Oz-Abutbul, H., Altman, C., Walters, J. (2014). Ethno-linguistic identity, language exposure and language
acquisition in bilingual preschool children from English and Russian- speaking backgrounds. In Theresa Gruter & Johanne Paradis
(Eds.). Input and Experience in Bilingual Development. TILAR Series, John Benjamins.
Gagarina, N., Armon-Lotem, S., Altman, C., Burstein-Feldman, Zh., Klassert, A., Topaj, N., Golcher, F., & Walters, J. (2014). Age, input
quantity and their effect on linguistic performance in the home and societal language among Russian-German and Russian-Hebrew
preschool children. In Silbereisen, R.K., Titzmann, P.F. & Shavit, Y. (eds.), The challenges of Diaspora Migration: Interdisciplinary
perspectives on Israel and Germany (pp. 63-82). Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Walters, J., Armon-Lotem, S., Altman, C., Topaj, N. & Gagarina, N. Language Proficiency and Social Identity in Russian-Hebrew and
Russian-German Preschool Children (2014). The challenges of Diaspora Migration: Interdisciplinary perspectives on Israel and
Germany. In Silbereisen, R.K., Titzmann, P.F. & Shavit, Y. (eds.), The challenges of Diaspora Migration: Interdisciplinary perspectives on
Israel and Germany (pp. 45-62). Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Armon-Lotem, S., Altman, C. Burstein-Feldman, Zh., & J. Walters. (2013). Sociolinguistic aspects of the language of immigrant children.
Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.
Yizhaki, D., Altman, C., Feldman-Burstein, Zh., Cohen, L. & Walters, J. (2013). Indigenous and Immigrant Identities in Multilingual Israel:
Insights from Focus Groups and Discourse Analysis. In Du Bois, I. & Baumgartner, N. (eds) Multilingual identities: New global
perspectives on immigrant discourse. Frankfurt/New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc. (pp. 137-172)
Altman, C., Gil, M., & Walters, J. (2012). Language choice in bilingual aphasia- Memory and Emotions. In M. Gitterman, M. Goral, M. &
Obler, L.K. (eds.) Aspects of Multilingual Aphasia. (pp. 171-186) Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Altman, C., Schrauf, R. & Walters, J. (2012). Crossovers and codeswitching in the investigation of immigrant autobiographical memory. In
L. Isurin & J. Altarriba (eds.), Memory, language, and bilingualism: Theoretical and applied approaches (pp. 211-235) Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Altman has presented her research in more than 80 international and national conferences such as ISB, ASHA, ISHLA, BUCLD & more