Bilingualism Matters

Teachers' training in "Kulna Yahad", Tel Aviv-Yaffo ended in June. Carmit Altman, Elinor Saiegh-Haddad and Sharon Armon-Lotem offered training for teachers on bilingualism at school and beyond, developing reading and narrative skills in two languages.
"Narratives Can Save", an article (by ISF) regarding Bilingualism and how to intervene bilingually.
Bilingualism Matters is a network headquartered at the University of Edinburgh that studies bilingualism and language learning, and communicates its findings through dialogue between researchers and the community, and partnerships with parents, teachers, health professional policy makers and employers. Bilingualism Matters was founded by Prof. Antonella Sorace, of the University of Edinburgh, in order to strengthen intercultural cooperation in language, promote research in the field, and help communities make informed decisions based on scientific conclusions. It has 20 branches in 12 countries around Europe, the Middle East and in the United States.
Bilingualism Matters opened its branch in Ramat Gan, Israel on June 5th, 2018, hosted by Bar Ilan University.
Raise public awareness about multilingualism and multiculturalism in societal and educational contexts by providing information and advice for parents, educators, health providers and policymakers.
Encourage development of tools for parents to maintain the home language and to raise the awareness of teachers and clinicians about the need to include the home language in assessment procedures and intervention plans.
Influence state policy about multilingualism by promoting bilingualism in the education system, by encouraging employment of multilingual staff and interpreters in the health system and by developing and making available multilingual communal services.